Fukushima weighs heavy at Berlin film showcase
The 11-day festival, which prides itself on its generally edgier and more politically-overt line-up over other film showcases, was perhaps a fitting backdrop for the documentaries.
"I'm more than happy to be here because the Berlinale has got a long history of showing all those political, socially conscious films," Atsushi Funahashi, director of "Nuclear Nation", told AFP.
He said that although he was sensitised to the atomic question because his family had been affected by the 1945 Allied atomic bombing of Hiroshima, he was unsure at first how to tackle Fukushima.
"First of all, I didn't know what to do as a film-maker but I knew I had to do something," he said, adding one of his motives had been the difference in data from international and Japanese officials.
He focuses on the exile of residents of Futaba, where the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was based, to an abandoned high school 250 kilometres (155 miles) away.
The story homes in on a mayor whose town no longer exists as he tries to keep the community together.
"No Man's Zone" by Toshi Fujiwara journeys inside a 20-kilometre area which was evacuated after the disaster, as well as surrounding areas, to talk to "normal" people about how their lives were affected.
With slow panoramic sweeps of battered buildings by the sea, thick piles of rubble, boats lying on their side and crumpled cars, the film opens saying that images of destruction are "always difficult to digest".
It intersperses lingering shots of cherry blossom trees in the spring, cattle and green landscapes with frank conversations with farmers and fishermen who have lost their livelihood.
An older couple talk openly and animatedly about how they want to keep their damaged home despite the cost of repairing it and their experiences of having to stay in a refuge.
"I had a very strange feeling that the people who were directly concerned were somehow very neglected," Fujiwara said.
Meanwhile, in "Friends After 3.11", director Iwai Shunji discusses the political, social and economic state of the country with new "friends" that include a nuclear plant engineer, banker and journalists.
"I want to portray Japan's present and future as told by these 'friends'," he said.
The disaster, triggered by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, contaminated the environment and forced tens of thousands of residents around the Fukushima nuclear site in northeast Japan to evacuate their homes.
Many still do not know if or when they will be able to return.
The Fukushima power plant became the site of the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl after it lost its cooling systems in the March earthquake and tsunami and went through meltdown and explosions.
In the wake of the Fukushima accident, Germany decided to phase out nuclear power by the end of 2022.
- 2012年02月16日 18:18 発信地:ベルリン/ドイツ
【2月15日 AFP】東日本大震災による福島第1原子力発電所の事故から間もなく1年を迎えるなか、現在開催中の独ベルリン国際映画祭(Berlin International Film Festival)に原発事故の日本社会への影響を検証した3本のドキュメンタリー映画が出品され、注目を集めている。
■『Nuclear Nation』
話題の3作品の1つ、『ニュークリア・ネイション(Nuclear Nation)』の舩橋淳(Atsushi Funahashi)監督はAFPのインタビューに対し、「政治的、社会的意識の高い作品を上映してきた長い歴史を持つベルリン国際映画祭に出品できることは、この上なく嬉しい」と語った。
舩橋監督の家族は広島で原爆に遭った。そのため核の問題については元々敏感だったが、福島の原発事故には最初どう向き合うべきか戸惑ったという。しか し、「映画制作者として何をすべきか分からなかったが、何かをしなければと思った」。日本政府の公式発表と世界から届く情報との差が、動機の1つとなっ た。
一方、藤原敏史(Toshi Fujiwara)監督の『無人地帯(No Man's Zone)』は、事故後立ち入りが制限された原発から半径20キロ圏の警戒区域内とその周辺地域で「普通の」人たちに、暮らしにどんな影響があったかを尋ねている。
オープニングでは、がれきの平原に船や車が横たわる。満開の桜や青々とした牧草を食む牛といった光景が挿入されながら、生活の手段を失った農民や漁師、 修復費がかかっても壊れた家に住みたいという老夫婦などが、生の言葉で語っている。藤原氏は「避難させられた人たちが無視されている」のはおかしいと思っ たと述べている。
■『friends after 3.11』
3本目は、岩井俊二(Iwai Shunji)監督の『friends after 3.11』。 同監督が旧友や、原発事故後に知り合った「新しい友人」である原発技術者や銀行家、ジャーナリストらと日本の政治、社会、経済状況について語り合う。岩井 監督は「その『友人』と語る日本の今、未来を描きたい」とメッセージを発している。(c)AFP/Kate Millar
■『Nuclear Nation』
話題の3作品の1つ、『ニュークリア・ネイション(Nuclear Nation)』の舩橋淳(Atsushi Funahashi)監督はAFPのインタビューに対し、「政治的、社会的意識の高い作品を上映してきた長い歴史を持つベルリン国際映画祭に出品できることは、この上なく嬉しい」と語った。
舩橋監督の家族は広島で原爆に遭った。そのため核の問題については元々敏感だったが、福島の原発事故には最初どう向き合うべきか戸惑ったという。しか し、「映画制作者として何をすべきか分からなかったが、何かをしなければと思った」。日本政府の公式発表と世界から届く情報との差が、動機の1つとなっ た。
一方、藤原敏史(Toshi Fujiwara)監督の『無人地帯(No Man's Zone)』は、事故後立ち入りが制限された原発から半径20キロ圏の警戒区域内とその周辺地域で「普通の」人たちに、暮らしにどんな影響があったかを尋ねている。
オープニングでは、がれきの平原に船や車が横たわる。満開の桜や青々とした牧草を食む牛といった光景が挿入されながら、生活の手段を失った農民や漁師、 修復費がかかっても壊れた家に住みたいという老夫婦などが、生の言葉で語っている。藤原氏は「避難させられた人たちが無視されている」のはおかしいと思っ たと述べている。
■『friends after 3.11』
3本目は、岩井俊二(Iwai Shunji)監督の『friends after 3.11』。 同監督が旧友や、原発事故後に知り合った「新しい友人」である原発技術者や銀行家、ジャーナリストらと日本の政治、社会、経済状況について語り合う。岩井 監督は「その『友人』と語る日本の今、未来を描きたい」とメッセージを発している。(c)AFP/Kate Millar
双葉町長 井戸川克隆
Guten tag Berlin.
My name is Katsutaka Idogawa.
I’m the Mayor of Futaba in Fukushima Prefecture.
I regret that I’m not able to join you at this year’s Berlinale.
I would’ve loved to meet you all, and speak to you in person.
Ever since the crisis began at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, our town has received so much warmth, encouragement and support from people around the world.
Thank you very much.
It’s my hope that, through this film, everyone around the world can get a better understanding of how dangerous nuclear power is.
If they were safe, nuclear power plants would be very convenient.
Before this accident happened, I wanted to build more nuclear reactors, thinking that was the best way to bring progress to our community.
Since the accident, my attitude has changed drastically.
Increasing the number of nuclear plants without making provisions for serious accidents is extremely reckless.
On top of that, a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste has not yet been discovered.
Despite this, nuclear plants are cropping up around the world, in great numbers, and this is very disconcerting.
In light of the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, we need to question ourselves, honestly, if nuclear power plants are truly a necessity on this Earth.
I believe it’s critical for us to be rational.
Our planet is small.
How much space do we have left, to absorb all the radioactivity we keep producing?
What capacity do we have, for storing all the nuclear waste?
Unless we find viable solutions, we should not be permitted to use nuclear energy.
The learning curve has been steep.
I don’t want anyone else in this world to ever experience what we’re going through.
My deepest wish is that our situation will help you make the right choices for the future.
Katsutaka Idogawa
Mayor of Futaba Town
双葉町長 井戸川克隆
Guten tag Berlin.
My name is Katsutaka Idogawa.
I’m the Mayor of Futaba in Fukushima Prefecture.
I regret that I’m not able to join you at this year’s Berlinale.
I would’ve loved to meet you all, and speak to you in person.
Ever since the crisis began at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, our town has received so much warmth, encouragement and support from people around the world.
Thank you very much.
It’s my hope that, through this film, everyone around the world can get a better understanding of how dangerous nuclear power is.
If they were safe, nuclear power plants would be very convenient.
Before this accident happened, I wanted to build more nuclear reactors, thinking that was the best way to bring progress to our community.
Since the accident, my attitude has changed drastically.
Increasing the number of nuclear plants without making provisions for serious accidents is extremely reckless.
On top of that, a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste has not yet been discovered.
Despite this, nuclear plants are cropping up around the world, in great numbers, and this is very disconcerting.
In light of the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, we need to question ourselves, honestly, if nuclear power plants are truly a necessity on this Earth.
I believe it’s critical for us to be rational.
Our planet is small.
How much space do we have left, to absorb all the radioactivity we keep producing?
What capacity do we have, for storing all the nuclear waste?
Unless we find viable solutions, we should not be permitted to use nuclear energy.
The learning curve has been steep.
I don’t want anyone else in this world to ever experience what we’re going through.
My deepest wish is that our situation will help you make the right choices for the future.
Katsutaka Idogawa
Mayor of Futaba Town